The man was walking very sad. He lived on a village beside the Nile river. He used to walk on the morning,and at night. He decreased his friends as he said, “the friends are now bad.they used to mock on me as I have no sons and daughter.”
He had a cultivated land that his father reclaimed it. His father grew sheep and cows. The only demand to complete his happy as his life was good and moved stationary. His wife and him wanted to get child,boy or girl. They first wanted boy,but when they grew up they asked only daughter. The boy in that town is important as he help his father at his work he can carry the responsible of the home demands as he could work and get money. People make great celebrate when the woman born a boy. The man got sad. He walked beside the Nile river ,at summer and at winter. At the beyond cave made of traps tided with strong ropes. He washed from Nile and prayed to God. He asked him one only demand “boy or girl”
The people used to see him praying ,crying and asking God.
One day, in the winter,when the weather was cold and the night was very cold. He did wudoo even the weather was very cold and the frozen water freezing the hands and the legs. The man did his Wudoo and prayed to his God”Oh! God! Help me!the people mocked on me!I wanted a child any child to stop their mocking, please give my demand even it was made of sweet.”

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