Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The punishment

"who are you to order us and do what you want?" said mierraa.
"oh ! no! no! " he said and looked to his soldiers and said to them in the microphone "Who am I? "
"You are the colonel Dapoura. The chief and the president of our republic " said the wasp's soldiers.
"know .do you know now who I am? "said Dapoura and continued "now my turn to ask you. Do you want to know about what I ask you? .I can say what the way do you want to die" said Dapoura.
"Oh ! no! no!" said the crowd of the bees and some of them cried.
"I'll tell you and save your time .in the previous we the wasps cut your heads and suck every thing in your bodies honey and blood . as you do as heroes ,you must die in another way" said Dapoura
The cried of bees increased and some of them lost their consciousness.
He looked at them and say" did you agree with your hero do? Did you agree ?"
"In the previous we attack you and killed some of you and you rebuilt your kingdom again to the circle of life continued. But you did a new thing that wasn't known. So …."said the colonel
BUT MIERRAA objected him and said" you are lying!"
All the bees crowd and shouted some of them agree and the other refuse.
"what ? What did you say?"
"You must say a joke " he said and laughed in the microphone with aloud voice and faced Mierraa "did you know what are you saying. I am the president of that life with my finger I can kill you and your nation. Did you want us to do like the union nations."
Mierraa collected her nerve and say" Union nations for protecting the strong nation against the weaken nation. They are like you . kill who they want and occupy their land"
"Oh no! now you lost my time .I am in hurry. I choose the way to kill you that agree with you’re your situation .Your building her now was surrounding with a lot of bombs and there are piping filled with gas .After I leave there were or you account till one hundred .then the piping let the gas in this building and in minutes the bombs will explosive and destroy you to pieces now I" said Dapoura but flying wasps come to him in hurry and told him something that made his face to change and he flied immediately ordering to take the Queen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Face with Dapoura

"Yes, salute the hero ,your hero, yours" said in the amplifier.
"who are you?" said Mierraa.
"who is talking?" said the strange.
"I must search in the rubbish to discover who is talking" continued the strange
Loud voices from the presence.
"Isn't admire you? That is true I can't see any one can fill my thoughts and gain my respect " said the strange ."The only one is the Queen that can fill my eyes.
The loud voices increasing as expression of their refuse.
Mierraa stood and said "Yes who are you?"
" who what ? , by truth you are very negliglable .I can fill my mouth with air and face to you. you will be crush soon" said the strange .
All presence soldiers wasps laughs.
"Yes .I am very small comparing you but I didn't fair of you" said Mierraa.
"What? .You didn't fair of me means you fear now let me salute for her faith " He said and clap his hands and follow him his soldiers clapping their hands loudly.
"Yes said mierraa "but who can use her mind and get the victory" continued Mierraa.
"You mean the stupid thing that you had made!" said the strange ."I let you do what you want for my soldiers knowing who are you and where you 're making your meeting, By the way 'the fire you'd done is distinguished as my solders made
Hey saw your friends made a fire. And you fire every inch of this court ,my soldiers run and distinguished it, so you al of you deserve punish . what a punish you deserve?. I say you must be burnt in your places except your queen . She will b live and lying eggs that will be slaves." Said the strange!

Friday, July 24, 2009


"How ?" said Tierra .
Follow me !" said mierraa .they caught a bundle of whale and raised it over their heads .She told them to take two corners and disappear from the viewers till she
Comes and give them the sign
"The sign to do what?" said Tierra
"burn the wheat "said Mierraa.
"Burn what ,we will burn also" said Sierra.
"I'll save you by this plane ."mierraa said. "Don't waste the time" continued mierraa.
Now they 're crawling and stop covering their bodies by bundles of sticks of wheat.
Till Tierra takes her place and so does sierra .now they still without no movement.
Now mierraa go to the plane and get the pilot and the leader free and they took the plane off . she ordered the leader to salute the soldiers till they reach the place where is the queen. Mierraa ordered the leader to order his soldiers to get the queen to the plane where she will be judged .
She flied wither queen and go to the two corners where they burnt the wheat. And she took them she returned to her kingdom with very pleasure.
She invited all of rest bees to great meeting
The all of bees salute their queens and the new heroes Mierraa.
They saluted them very much and invited Mierraa to say a speech.
When mierraa says" we must salute our queens and " the all presents hear a stroing voice saying "and salute our hero"
He entered the hall meeting.
He was the colonel of wasps called Dapoura

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Save the queen2

"where?" Mierraa said ."tell me !tell me!" continued Mierraa.
The wasp leader said "in the harvested crop of wheat ,in the middle of it after it there were a lot of soldiers in circles .1st circle surrounded your queen and the bigger surrounded the circle and so on so on . If any one wants to save her the all heap will be burned". After the burn the all soldiers will run and fly and actually your queen will be vanished . actually any one will be seen will be killed immediately.
"By who?" Mierraa asked. "by who?" said again
Tierra said "there must be a lot of hunter over wall, that they will shot any one were seen.
What will we do now? Sierra said.
mierraa said "1st we keep this prison arrested an in the safe place away of seen.
2nd we make a plane to get our queen free. "
"Now take him in the far place with this plane that it may be useful for us". The pilot drove the plane away and the pilot and leader were prisoner and prevented from running .
Mierraa were going here and there. she were thinking in a plane to save her queen . she said finally "I found it .I found it! "