tales for children.for good characters and behaviors.it is stories and poetry.it talks about love ,friendship,faith and honest. it talks about the love and cooperate between people. it talks about respect between children and their parents.the honest and brave must be guide to get good behaviors.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
One day j "The melted man"
The man was walking very sad. He lived on a village beside the Nile river. He used to walk on the morning,and at night. He decreased his friends as he said, “the friends are now bad.they used to mock on me as I have no sons and daughter.”
He had a cultivated land that his father reclaimed it. His father grew sheep and cows. The only demand to complete his happy as his life was good and moved stationary. His wife and him wanted to get child,boy or girl. They first wanted boy,but when they grew up they asked only daughter. The boy in that town is important as he help his father at his work he can carry the responsible of the home demands as he could work and get money. People make great celebrate when the woman born a boy. The man got sad. He walked beside the Nile river ,at summer and at winter. At the beyond cave made of traps tided with strong ropes. He washed from Nile and prayed to God. He asked him one only demand “boy or girl”
The people used to see him praying ,crying and asking God.
One day, in the winter,when the weather was cold and the night was very cold. He did wudoo even the weather was very cold and the frozen water freezing the hands and the legs. The man did his Wudoo and prayed to his God”Oh! God! Help me!the people mocked on me!I wanted a child any child to stop their mocking, please give my demand even it was made of sweet.”

Monday, February 20, 2017
One day I
The sun looked angry
She said clearly”
The kind heart can not be hurt
The kind heart is know softly
Obeys his God kindly
Knows the favor respectfully
Returns the worst with fully
Kind and good behavioral
Devil can not be angel
Devil can destroy without mercy
Angel obey his God completely
The green can not be yellow
The good plants can not be worst
The kind land can not be dessert
I am raising daily
I want to destroy the godless
I want to get bad creatures destroyed
I want to clean the world from the worse”
The winds touch his cheeks softly
They whispered at his ear kindly
“don’t obey your thought
Don’t convert to be the worst
Every thing damned the squalid
I will say a word
God looks to the kind
God makes his life soft
And he save him from the hurt”
Boy cried at loud
He said in loud
‘who saved me from thee hurt”
He said the sounds
Coming from all sides
Only you god
He said at lowly
“who could beat the ugly”
They said loudly
“only your God only’’
He threw the stone away
He bowed with cry
The winds dried his tears
He looked around
The fire increased
He must get his uncle saved
He asked for help
The sound was not been heard
As thee place was wide
No one was been showed
Except tower at wide
He called no one respond
He looked at
The fire got closest
He saw a lake
After it was a rocket
At the limit of mount
The eagles were called
They carried him up
He was in the front
Of that rocket
He prayed to his God
To help him to move that
The winds blew up
The eagles came at first
The rats were presented
The cats pushed, pushed
The rocket couldn’t be moved
The fire got closest
It would touch him in fast
He called for God
The winds said”God”
The rats and the cats
They said “Oh God”
The rocket was moved
It was fallen at
The lake downed
Making great amount
Of water getting up
It fight the danger
It downed the flames
It chased it out
The water made a bright
And rainbow was cleared
The man at wide
Called the help
To say what is wrong
The man was saved
The relative boy were attendant
They knew they were bad
The bay was good
The judge asked
Who will care of that smart
The boy’s relatives said
His lovely smart
Nanny who taught
How to get love
Sunday, February 19, 2017
One day "h"
The fire is grown
Its tongue could reach the sky
It can melt the cloud
The birds would be fallen
If they passed over and wide
The danger would surround
The boy was astonished
He cried, cried a lot
The fire had not heart
It burned and killed
It is enormous over thought
Stop, stop, the obey ordered
Then he argued
The fire is danger
It is crawled as oracular
Big, big as monster
Its shape was as wild
Came from abdomen of the past
Stop, stop
The fire could not respond
The fire could not act
Except attack
Attack at every side
It called at it
It crawled in fast
His heart pumped
His heart jumped
He wanted to escape
It had been caught
He could not move
The boy’s face got red
The boy’s face got pale
He called to his uncle
He called at loud
He called as he could
He called for help
At the end
He asked his God
At the end
After the ways of save has closed
After the hope was vanished
After the dark governed
One must get his head up
Asking one
Asking his God
To get his hand
The rat appeared
He called his friend
The eagle flew
He downed
He could not untie
He returned in fast
He carried the rat
By his nails
The rat in rapid
Could get the rope tie
The boy thanked his God
Then he thanked his friends
One must thank who helped
At least, return the favor
The eagle called more
To get the boy out
They gathered
The boy was not afraid
They carried him out
He wanted to avenge
He could count the range
He asked them to get back
The eagles hate the dark
The injustice one was damned
By the sand, by the land
By every created
His limbs damned
The boy carried a big stone
He wanted to throw soon
He lifted it up
Saturday, February 18, 2017
One day g
The man got anger
He forgot his duty
To take care of his nephew
He must be his father
Taught and get him happy
Growing up as new
Knight came from earlier
He forgot all of those
And wanted one only
He had reason and cause
To get that hate
Toward who must care
He wanted to cover the dust
Of last poor that was created
Only for him as he guessed
He cried wit loud
And looked to the sky
Saying as if he had right
To destroy and kill
To spread worse at all
No he had a gun
He looked to the boy
And said with fun
Your time had come
Your luck is gone
I will do a thing
No one can’t help
Now come my boy
He entered a flat
The flat was near by
The country beyond land
He tied the boy strong
With heavy and long rope
He looked at the sky
Making laugh at loud
Speaking at high
I will kill that boy
Who gives a hand
To save him and help
He got a petrol pot
He poured him at a head
Of boy and around
He got a spark plug
He laughed as he got
A great victory in fact
Made by honor knight
The war must only go
At the land to turn
The enemy out of eye
To the enemy fall
The knight fights to protect
His land of being dead
Of being gone and occupied
By the worst mankind
The world is created by
The winner and the looser
To make the wheel turn
Fast and to get more advance
To get the smart and elegance
He danced and sang
The lighter was caught
His cover had been opened
He still danced and sang
He turned around
He lifted his hand
He said” I will be reach
I will not reach
Any one way to the beach
To get money and to get rich
Suddenly he fell down
His feelings were gone
The spark lighted
The fire appeared
As big and enormous wild
Had a big mouse that swallowed
Every thing he found
The boy screamed at loud
“uncle, uncle the fire attacked”
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
One day 1f
What we called love
In the past
Now we call tough
The days may be passed
But they digs signs
Reminded us what had happened?
It may be best
It may be worst
Who did that
Will carry his fault
Till his name reminded
Or that fault was thought
The time is now
For us to live in brother without hate
God creates the land
Knowing there will be enough
Place to live in
They decided to get him shot
His eyes were blinded
His legs were tied
His hands were backed
He stood the tallest
Tree on wide place
They were struggled
To get him dead
Every one wanted
Not to get him save
But to get him dead
Nanny prayed to God
To give him his hand
To get him save
The sun was anger
What is the matter
That makes the man able
To be worse than devil
The sun cried a lot
His tears were hot
Ascended on bald
He looked at her
Saying with mercy
What makes my queen cry?
She said in high sound
Making lightening was seen
And the thunder was heard
“the justice wanted to go
It was dismissed by mankind
He could know
That he was created only
To live in land
Get it more calm
The eagles was downed
Fast than blink of eyes
Than the thunder lightens
He was on his hand
Against the bids act
He made himshot higher and up
The shot was aimed
At a balance stone
It was hardly on
He moved down and up
Then he was downed
Making a great vibrate
That made another one
Stone get up and then downed on that
Only bad anger one
Who cried a loud
That his long finger one
Was broken and she cried.
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