Thursday, May 19, 2011

the prince4

Obey your parents

Why do I obey my parents?

As they are older than me and there was a wise said" older than you

in a day knows than you as a year" that means the experience gain by doing and experienced every thing in a life

*second as they love you than any one in this life and there was a say "no one dreams one better than him except the father "mother" dreams his son better than him"

That's right so they do their best to get you a good man ,that they proud with

There was a man who hates his son as his mother has separated and got divorce . he became very angry with him and gave him no money didn't buy to him any new clothes, didn't go with him in a trip and suddenly he was in internet and saw in some webs how animals be more merciful with their sons. He got up and went to the work .he found his friend " compatriot" absent as his son was died . he went to him to share im his pains .he found him very sad and had got great pain he tried to let him more hope or to gave a happy in life and that person suddenly said to him this is my son ,know my son ,my only and only love "

The father shocked ,know your son so he returned he dealt his son with good deal.

*3rd they do their best to get you a great appearance and look

There were a boy ,poor boy who hates his life and there were his friend who was rich .they were completely as same in shape.they deal with each other to take one another the position of his friend as they were boring .in the first day the rich boy who lives in the position of a poor boy became happy as he found a lot of friends and he could play every where and he could sleep in any place of his new home but after days ,he found this life very boring to him as he slept with his brothes "new brothers in same bed ,he eat a little and could not buy what he loved and want .the oither boy who lived in rich boy became very happy for several days but he found this life is very boring as he could not play every time and could not go for a trip with hi friends the play the sleep in time and his parents don't care of him as they have their business ,so they met again and retuned to their natural position.

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