Thursday, July 6, 2017

The deceitful rabbit c3

The rabbit stood at his place
The fox jumped at the image
Thinking that was the rabbit
The dog’s wife ordered
Her husband to throw the rope
This was in circle
The fox tried to get out
His neck and ran
The female dog jumped in
In agility and speedy move
The fox tried to escape
Even the rope tied
The fat rabbit rushed
He wrapped himself in front off
The fox was wavered
He suddenly crashed with that
Fat rabbit and fell to the land
The beauty dog caught
She ordered his husband to catch
The rope she looked at the fox
She ordered the other to search
For their brother
When the saw him
He cried a lot
They got smiled
The wise rabbit tried to thank
She said without late
Thank only my husband
Who did every thing
She winked at the wise rabbit
He understood what she wanted
She wanted her husband
To be hero in all sights
Even was not the fact
The rabbit approached
Near the beauty dog
He said in lowest,’
If I married like you
I will make the world know
Viva love
Viva love”
They untied the rabbit
Who thanked them
The dog tied the fox
Hard and hurt him
The rabbits sharing that strike
The fox promised
Not to return
 They converted the fox home
Into ruin and dust
The dog looked at the rabbit
Advised ,” the lazy is awful
The lazy makes world not beautiful
It is bad habit
It is spreader of bad thought
The lazy is not loved
The lazy got hate”
The female dog said,”
Look to my husband
He is hero
Do you know?”
The rabbits said,”
Viva our guard
Viva our guard”
The female completed
 ,”he threw himself in dangerous
To get this nation save
Because he loved life
Because he loved his job”
One asked,” If he does not?”
She answered,”
He must worked at
Then search for another
Till he found his desire
The life desired to live
The life desired to share
The live desired to give
It great kiss”
The rabbits circled
The rabbits turned
Singing one song,’
We love our land
We love our farm
We love our guard
His wife is beloved
Not only by him
But also by ours”
The wise rabbit approached
Telling the dog to thank
That beauty one
She equals great wealth
It must worth big wealth”
He looked at his eyes
He ordered the two
Husband and wife
 ,” that is the time of love!”
They looked at each other
Till the rabbits went
They embraced and kissed
The nearest flower showed
She embarrassed and closed


The deceitful rabbit c2

The dog stood
Wearing the clothes of guard
Carrying his automating gun
Releasing high call
Her beauty wife was laughed
Her laugh made her smartest
That all rabbits looked and admired
“Why do you do call?
This can wake the dead?”
She said with surprise
The husband became anger
With his complete feel
He looked at her
Sayi9ng,”this call
To plant the fear
Into the thief self
Or to courage me
To face even the death appearance”
She struck her chest
With her hand in strong
And said. “may God keep you safe”
They embraced for moments
Forgetting the others
The talker rabbit said,”
We have no time for love
When we finished
You will get enough
Time ,to get fine love’’
She felt with shame
She put her tail
Over her face to hide
It from feeling shame
The dog suddenly stood
Ordering his cloth
Then, he ran fast
As the thunder or wind
Getting attack from every mind
He moved or flew
They imagined he could
They greeted him a lot
His wife ran
In spite of his fast
His wife could catch
He looked angrily at first
Then he stopped
He fell into wave of laugh
He fell into land
He stopped and ran
Till he reached the fox house
He turned around
To find the way to enter
All reached
 They tuned around
The old one cried,”
Get him before he may be killed
The wise rabbit said,”
 We must save him
The dog searched and smelt
Moving around to get
Him right and get him
His wife rubbed
Her nose
Her wife looked intelligent
The wise rabbit ordered,”
Could you find a magnified mirror?
They searched everywhere
Then one found it
The wise whispered
At the dog ear
The dog out the mirror
In front of fox hole
The sun exposed it
A hurried rabbit stood
His photo enlarged
They brought sound magnifier
He spoke it
The fox was greed
He looked at
He said ,”that is sufficient”
He looked around
Then he jumped at.


The deceitful rabbit (compl)2

The dog was so lazy
He said after moving slowly
“I can’t leave bath now
And who can dare to go on my region
He must have any vision
To dare my high sensitive
To get the bad thief
Who can dare to fight me?
As I am without proud
And with high lowliness
All enemy cannot ever pass
Through my guard times”
The rabbits screamed highest
They fall in puzzle
They searched and thought
They went to his smart
His beauty wife
They entered in speed
They entered without permit
Or even telling greet
Or knocking the door
They were very surprised
The door was opened
They called at her
She came with fondness
Telling with whispers
“Welcome my dears!”
She wore home cloths
Those were for cook makings
The wise of the rabbits
Telling his apologizes
He told with arguments
Help us for saving
Our friend
He was kidnapped
By worse thief
He was a fox
He wanted to eat"
The female dog said with smile
That decorates her shine
Making everyone getting fine
And felt with shame to look at timing
She said, ’He must be your faith friend
You must love him strong
He must be your smart”
They said at one tongue, “no”
He is the lazy
He does not do any thing
He thought in sleeping thing
He spent the day time sleep
And the night doing nothing
But he is our friend!"
"Oh! Shame "she said,
One must get work
To get food and amused
To get respect from other
To advance his manner''
They interrupted and said''
Save him first
And advise us as you desire
If one sink
You get him up
And advice or punish
As they say
To gain the gold
Must dive in well"
She said, "Tell me how?"
They said, "by arguing your man!"
She said with proud,"
My husband is the hero
He could surely know
He must save anyone
As he is the dearest one
All of the farm's occupied
Know him well"
They said, but we must hurry
As the fox may do our worry!"
She didn't wear his ironed cloth
She went with cook cloth
As the manner was so worse
Than waiting any moment"

  my books are "Playing With Ghosts'' ASIN: B01KKEFXN4
i have also "PHARAOH'S GLORY' at amazon .ASIN: B01LY586WO

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The deceitful rabbit (complete)1

The fox looked
His huger appeared
Now he will check
His greed
Now he will jump
The point between the life and death
The point between the river pass
And its stop is the moment
The point to be courage
And have a great fame
And known by every one
The moment between the success
And fail
Is the insist
Insist to gain
Insist to claim
The bad dessert
That may be
At your heart
To be scientist
You must read hard
Study and keep at your heart
The important thing
To be good sports man
Do exercise more than
One a day and do hard
The sweat makes the sweet
Convert the worst into the best
He looked with open eye
He said i
Will gain what I dreamt
Fore long time
He jumped high
From his greedy
He took the rabbit with his chair
The load was heavy
The carrying was not easy
The movement is so slowly
The rabbits after say
Our friend deserves that
They felt with shame
They ran to the dog
They called at him
The dog has sun's bath
He stretched his body
Covered his head
From sun that may annoy
He hardly heard their calls
He opened his eye
Saying with angry
Don't you see
I am busy
And I do my work
One of them was a talker
Said with anger
There is work
There is an important
He laughed and said
Who is the philosophe?
The other had compliment
My lord
All said you are strong
You have a good courage
To prevent any rub
If the thief could kidnap
What will your look like?
He rubbed his chain
The rabbit complete
We know you can fight thousands
Then show our friends


The deceitful rabbit r

There is a rabbit 
Annoying of walking up
Early with every one
He wanted his friends to let him
Sleeping till the sun getting up
Why? Why? you must get up
To get food to be the best
The sun loved who sees it
Shinning from the east
Giving him the power
Making him strong
Clear his look
Stretched his back
Getting his head
Elegance and smart
Be known and loved
From every one
Getting greetings from heart
He didn't believe that
He did as he was lazy
Move so slowly
The friends saw him
They threw water on him
He was watered
He jumped up, up
They laughed, laughed
After some days
He imitated as he had sick
He moved so hard
His head was often bowed
He made as he had
A heavy mount 
Over his back
They brought him food
He ate with big zest
They were wondered
They asked 
If one is ill
He has no power
To eat any food
And get so hard
To eat anything
They brought a doctor
A rabbit doctor came
He examined his heart
He examined his head
And leg and everything
He told them he was not
Ill or even sick
He advised them 
To put him in the sun
That dismissed every worst
They tied him 
On chair and put in wide
Area where the sun ascended
Every moment
From morning till, 
The sunset
He was truly hurt
He tried to be patient
For his bad luck
The fox passed
He saw him tied 
He got amused
He jumped up
He said,said
I found my lost
I would eat it
The fox looked everywhere
The fox wished to hear
No sound coming from here
Watching no, one moving there
He moved slowly
He tried to move quietly
Lifting his legs
As he flew on air
The rabbits saw him 
The rabbits ran fast
Even the argue of their friend
The fox got his present 
He jumped up
He untied his victim
He became very happy
His hunger would be away.