There was a spinner
Play as she was a child
There was a wolf
His hunger can destroy him
The spinner's mother told her
Do not go far as there
you may face the danger
the spinner went to play
She forgot herself
He found her by himself
He caught her
He pushed her
Where he could eat her
She cried ,she knew her fault
The wolf was happy
He looked very hunger
He courage appears
But there was a rat
Heard the scream of spinner
He looked at wolf's face
He said with fastness
How are dear minister?
The wolf stood with wonder
Do you want me to eat you?
To get right of world pain?
I will do that soon
The rat spoke soon
He said with trembling
There was her mother their
She was very fat
She can Extinguish your fire
He believes him
the wolf was very rapacious
he went after the rat pass
he climbed the high wall
the rat climbed faster
then he returned faster
he bit the wolfs back
the wolf lost his rhythm
he felt down at once
his leg was broken at once
the spinner returned fast
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