The girls did groups to know what is going? Why was this girl prevented from making friends?
We knew that were some families who prevented girls to play with boys when they entered the prep schools or at teen stage. The boys searched and tried to ask Swan. He didn't answer. He didn't answer. The big puzzle occurred when we saw the police cars in crowd entered. They rushed at the building where that richest man lived. They stayed for minutes and they left. He reached the office to the police 's car. We heard the officer thanking him and greeted him. He called him with Mr. Tomson. Mr. Tomson was happy. His manner was so satisfied. We heard he had married. His wife was dead. But Swan at one of escaping his control he said," his wife was divorced and got away!''
Then his face was colored and swore to us. He urged us with the frightened face not to announce or spread that secret. We got feared from his appearance. We returned home. We heard that great crimes of stealing had occurred of our streets neighbors. The police officers had leered our parents from those crimes. The most wonder the officers with great cars of police came to our richest neighbor to worry him.

We had a meeting. The meeting for searching about the dog. The boys got angry. They wanted to know what is going on? The news has transferred that great stealing occurred. Millions of dollars were stolen. What is going on?
He police had filled the region and the streets besides.
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