Saturday, April 30, 2011


Why do I explore these pictures?
The wedding the prince and princess are the important thing in that days?
For all people ,yes.
But in the truth is not important
Ya! The wedding is not important as I will say" you may be prince, for boys actually and  for girls princess", oh! .Did you remember the man who is poetry loved a prices .she was so pretty and he was so ugly. as he loved her so much he wanted to see her listen to her in any way .
coincidence, he knew that there was a  knight who loved her and he can do say a word so he asked for one who remind him with a beautiful words ,as the poet wrote the some poetry and wanted the knight to bless them .the knight couldn't so the poet went with him and disappeared in big green trucks the knight moved his mouth as mocking the princess . once the princess asked the knight to wait . she came down and looked to the knight and asked him to say a poetry in her poetry .the knight couldn't and the poet can't say a word .the knight told the princes the truth . she knew and he loved the poet. The question is how can be prince and process                                                                                   


Friday, April 29, 2011

the branche and the leaves

The branches and the leaves
We are the branches
We are strong but less than the trunk
We transport the food to leaves
We  carry the air to lower parts
We carry also the leaves and the berries
We are brothers in our plant
         The leaves
We are the leaves
We can be several kinds
We may be changed to be flowers
 The flowers begin smaller and then grow
The flower has mere shiny and colors
They attract the insects to them
The insects transport the  inoculation seeds
The seeds are sticking by parts of the insects
They transport them from flower to others
The seeds gain the plants' children
The transport may be by the winds
Or by the man who carries them if the plants are tallest
As  if they fall they will not reach to another
The tallest trees as palms
The seeds are useful for food and life
We are sacrifice to make the life continues

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the trunk

The trunk
I am the strongest
I carry the plant and stood
I may be strong and stand
Or soft ,float over the water
Or grow over the land
I transport the water and food
That was taken to grow the plant
I am important to supply the food
The leave breath and gain the air
That important to complete the food
The air convert with it to be my power
It made me grow and green
I can be tall than over the viewer
Or small that I can be crashed
I obey my God and pray to be good

the root

I am down of the plant

I may be deep in the land

Or near the surface of the earth

Or over the sea ,I float

I get food and water to the planet

Which they need to grow and be apart

Of the useful world and the land

I filtered the food and get the good

Supply it to upper parts that may be fat

Or strong to supply the others with food

The higher of my parts make me deep

To get more food and water they need

I get the food and it makes salt or sweet

The soil is the same but the God creates our

Don't say why as our lord is the creator

I can grow in water, salt and sweet

Don't say why as our lord is the creator