Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The day, the night and the year

The earth circled around the sun
And she turned around her pole
She always does that continuously
She does that doing complete
She does that without late
She does that steady state
Who can stop that walk?
Who can obstruct that look?
She turned around the earth
Making the year in faith                                 
Three hundred in count
Sixty, five days to notice
And six hours for remarks
The sun circled around pole
Making the day and night
You can work as guy
Who wants to make the sky
Is his nation land
Who wants to act
As the modern fact
Who made his land
Under the upper cloud
Do you notice ands ask
How can I make?
The glory been hulk
And stay for ever
Stay without leave


Saturday, October 6, 2012

The benefits of the moon

The moon created for knowing
The god is the only planning
The moon makes the earth in moving
More stable and stationary in cycling
From the wobbling during cycling
It lights the world at night
Especially at the mid the months
Of the Arabic and immigration months
The new born in the first days
of the twelve arabic months
Is very weak and has little nights
Its appears a little minutes
But the all moon appears all night
It completed at thirteen for accounts
Fourteen and fifteen for accounts
Of the days of Arabic months    
They are twelve months
The light guides the travelers
The light helps the hunters
To get their need food
The light gives the need
Of satisfy and happiness
The third moon benefit
Is the tide that is accurate
It used to get light
And power could be generated
It helps the ships to get
Into the dull harbors
It helps to sweep all worst
And rubbish from the seas
As well as also the oceans
It helps the animals to breed
Their children as they need
The helping to grow in good
Manner and strong appearancce
The forth benefit is in fact
The moon is the part of the earth
And they loves each others
And it said if there is
No moon there is 
Also in global no earth
And vise verse in tales
The love is the cure of worst
The love is the most
Beautiful and makes cooperated
Between creature and the world 

Friday, October 5, 2012

The ugly boy

The inspector came to school suddenly
He entered the equals' classes actually
To know how they gain the science eagerly
He asked the same questions in all classes
The pupils didn't answer or tell faiths
The inspector entered that class
Where an ugly people sat beside the wall
In the right latest corner of the class
He entered that and answered the question
As he did the same in the previous
The question was simple and all needed
What are the benefits of the moon?
All became silent except that one
He lifted his hand to permit the answer
The teacher stood to prevent the inspector
From seeing the ugly boy's hand
But the boy stood and answered
Hurried the inspector towards him
He wrote in the school note
This is the smartest boy I have ever met
The teacher said to the boy loudly
 Go out and didn't return
You are an ugly you hare been hated
Dismiss now, dismiss immediately
The manger heard that
The manager said that"
You are must be fired
Go away and didn't return"
He said to the arrogant
I will try to be talent

I didn't deal with mine
As a lower one
I am the guy
I am the one