Sunday, August 27, 2017

The kind dog 2

When we played football we took him to play with. He could get us the wide ball and may do acrobatic motion making us happy. We can play hours without annoying if he was with us. The owner had no idea. We took him by breaking his lock and buying another lock we have its key. When the man who cured him wanted to unlock and took him for a walk. When he didn’t unlock, he screamed. One of us met him and gave him a key. He explained the situation and why we need him. The man refused at first and he accepted less than one condition that he must go with us and watch. When he came we gave him prizes and made him play with us. He got amused. He said ,’’he didn’t imagine that happy”. He folded him with happy and asked, “Are you happy?”
The dog shocked his head and agreed. We jumped and danced .we sang also
“we are happy boys and girls
We play and get funny
Our life goes happy
We obeys parents
 We will be authors
Like our families
The sky is the witness
The land keeps our steps
The trees make shadows
The sun decreases rays
When we play
Come and share
Come without fear
Our group is happy”
The man clapped his hands. One day we noticed that there was a new neighbor. He lived beside our street. He was not rich or poor. He had a family and kinder. He was closed on himself and family. After some weeks we noticed three men visited him. They could visit day and night. They usually carried bag. It might be black or brown.
They came with big and wide Mercedes car. It was so expensive. It had a number out of our govern. It was no important as the trade of cars covered all country. The men had good nectar. You could smell it from wide region. We didn’t take care of them till they accompanied a beauty girl. She was tall, had wide green eyes and blighting smile that was not forgetting. She had a shiny face .her face was covering with sad. She got up, and didn’t get down. After months the man became rich and he bought a flat at our street. That was for our luck, as we could see this girl when she went to school and return. She used her father car in going and returning. Her clothes were like a school clothes, but they were expensive. Her hair was always cleared and tidy. It was so long that it covered its was yellow. When the winds blew, some of them covered her forehead in a beauty scene that could not be forgotten.

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