Monday, March 31, 2014

The cat, the dog, the rat

The cat walked
She looked around
She noticed no one
The empty was the world
She found finally the garbage
A box of rubbish
She screamed my treasure
She jumped up
She entered it
She found a bag of meat
She carried it by mouth
She tried to jump up
The bag fell down
She tried to be up
She finally succeed
Her noise walked up a dog
Who slept near that,
He walked very speed
He barked very loud
The cat jumped down
With the bag it her mouth
He looked very bad
Who can steal the food?
He barked at loud
The cat took the position
Of defend and took attention
His tail became big
And stood with large
Her teeth appeared
Her sound was coarse
They looked with worse
They attacked each other
The rat was passed by
He walked very slowly
He took the bag at hurry
They saw him
They ran after him
The fox saw them
He took the bag at speed
He entered at his home
The home was a hole
The cat, the dog, the rat struggled
Each one cursed the other
The cat was wild
She said with good mind
To return our bag
We must be cooperate
We must put a plan
The rat will enter the hole
We tied it hard
When he entered it
The fox was avid
He wanted eat
He caught its tail
The rat screamed loud
They dragged at speed
The fox chased at speed
The cat caught his hand
The dog dragged with fast
When he saw all
He ran very fast
The rat got the food
And he went out
The divided the food
The cooperate is good
The war is the worst

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The cat passed

She passed
She passed by us
Carrying a pile of what?
We might smell by nose
We must gazed by our face
The eyes were wide
The ears were opened
The sounds were loud
The heart moved at silent
The universe is stopped
One dog said it was meat
She carried a pile of meat
I can smell from distant
Wide from Cairo tell Luxor
Where laid my temple
The other barked with anger
Saying "he is a liar brother
He forgot the temple is mine
My grandfather lived at
That passed and ancient
He was like me in fact
There was a European cat
Said with moving pet
The temple is mine
We helped those men
Who couldn't build that?
Only by themselves
Look at your selves

She opened her green eyes
Her wide face were shined
She jumped jumped at height
The wised dog said at sound
Lowed, lowed as a whisper
Our aim is disappeared
Who could return again?
The argue is bad
The work is good
The talk makes you loose
Your aim so ease

She passed
She passed by us
Carrying a pile of what?
We might smell by nose
We must gazed by our face
The eyes were wide
The ears were opened
The sounds were loud
The heart moved at silent
The universe is stopped
One dog said it was meat
She carried a pile of meat
I can smell from distant
Wide from Cairo tell Luxor
Where laid my temple
The other barked with anger
Saying "he is a liar brother
He forgot the temple is mine
My grandfather lived at
That passed and ancient
He was like me in fact
There was a European cat
Said with moving pet
The temple is mine
We helped those men
Who couldn't build that?
Only by themselves
Look at your selves
She opened her green eyes
Her wide face were shined
She jumped jumped at height
The wised dog said at sound
Lowed, lowed as a whisper
Our aim is disappeared
Who could return again?
The argue is bad
The work is good
The talk makes you loose
Your aim so ease