Chapter 8
Charles said, "Why don't you go to tell him about this idea?"
The vicar said, "No, me, he will have considered me unfaithful"
Margaret said, "And when you said his divinity will go with wind!"
The vicar said, "What do you mean my small lady about the divinity"
Margaret said, "You considered his majesty is the God for only you or for all world"
The vicar fell in hesitance and said, "Mmmmmm, fooooor all people of course!"
Margaret said, "And that means that he takes care of all souls"
The vicar said, "But the soul of our enemies must go to hell!"
Margaret said, "Yes of course, but if they don't know that he is the God!"
The vicar said, "What do you mean?"
Margaret said, "If he keeps their souls safely, they may believe at him"
The vicar said, "No, it is the victory, the glory and the big glory"
Samy said, "And the honor of humidity"

The vicar laughed and said, "What by the hell, do you mean by that expression "the honor of humidity"? Do you expect what will they do if they have achieved the victory? They will have made us as small pieces of food for wild animals and wild birds"
Samy said, "That is good, but his majesty will make a great new habit"
Andrea said, "And the love, did not you mention his great love?"
Didn't you mention that his wife "Nefertiti"?"
The vicar said, "I agree with you, but how it can be. If his majesty accepts this offer, how you can argue the others?"

Samy said, "That is easy! First go "dear sir" and tell him"
The vicar said, "I am afraid, he might cut off my head"
Charles said, "And you will enter the history as the first calling for peace"
The vicar said, "Mock me as you want! May God help me!"
Samy said," Let pharaoh hear us!"
The vicar said, "May I do!"
The vicar went with hesitating steps till he reached the pharaoh
He said, "Dear majesty"
The boys and girls moved also as they were not seen except by the vicar and they reached to the pharaoh. The vicar did his Talisman that made the pharaoh heard the boys and the girls.
Samy said, "Dear majesty! We know you achieved the great victory, but there is another great victory waiting for you!"
The pharaoh looked around and looked at the vicar and said, "Who is taking?"
The vicar said, "Keep your balance and keep calm, dear majesty!"
The pharaoh said, "Tell me who is talking? Are they the souls to kill me and finish the war?"
The vicar said, "No, I swear with my God it didn't go"
The pharaoh said, "Then, who are they?"
The vicar murmured
Margaret talked in hurry, "We are the souls of peace and souls of safe"
"What?" The pharaoh asked.
Charles said, "We are the souls of peace"
The pharaoh said, "No, no, you are the worst souls!"
Andrea said, "No, we come to you to get you a great victory"
The pharaoh wondered and said, "More than that victory. It will contain war and fighting!"
Samy said, "No, it will not contain the peace, the hero of war and peace will be "Ramses II""
The pharaoh said, "What a peace?"
Andrea said, "Peace for that battle's, peace for love and for happy"
The pharaoh said, "What a peace? Say something!" He looked at the vicar.
The vicar said, "The peace between you and your …."
The vicar stopped.
The pharaoh said at anger, "Tell me with your bad devil with whom?"
The vicar said in fear voice, "With your enemies!"
The pharaoh said at complete revolution of anger, "No, you are unfaithful guy, you deserve to be killed and you make those spirits to achieve your bad aim!"
The vicar said, "Kill, no my majesty! I came here to tell you about a new civilization and a new world. The Egyptians don't like the blood bleeding and the killing"
The pharaoh said in moderate mood," That is true, and as I am the pharaoh of the modern world how can I achieve the peace between me and the enemies? Look if they had achieved this victory, they would do that peace!"
Charles said, "My only hero, if you achieve that peace, you will be ready to establish a great land and great rule. You are only one all over that world who will deserve it"
Pharaoh said, "What?"
Samy said, "Yes, no war, no hate. All power will go and move to build a great and an advanced land all over the world"
The pharaoh said, "Like what?"
Margaret said, "As in cultivate lands, in industry, in astronaut and in soldiering"
Andrea took the end of speech and said, "And the love, you can build great temples for you and your lover Nefertiti"
The pharaoh said with great smile, "Do you know about my beauty woman?"
Margaret said, "The land and the sky knew that!"
The pharaoh said with amazing look, "Knew that!"
Samy said in arguing speech, "Tell us what your opinion!"
The pharaoh said in mocking voice, "About what?"
Margaret said, "About the peace!"
He looked at his vicar and asked, "What is your opinion?"
The vicar said, "My opinion is which you see my lord. I see it"
The pharaoh said, "What? I take your opinion at marriage! You should tell me in frank. What is your opinion?"
The man said, "It is good idea and who has the will like you can make everything he wants for the human body and all creatures!"
The pharaoh said in a mock smile," Me!''
The vicar, the boys and the girls said at the same voice," Yes! Dear majesty!''
The pharaoh said with hesitating voice, "I accept with one condition"
They all said in astonishment, "What?"
The pharaoh repeated, "With one condition!"
They all said "What?"
He said, "As I am the hero here and I am getting the victory. So, the enemy must begin to call for the peace."
They all said," What? How can it be?"
They looked at each other and Samy said," Dear hero, we all knew you are getting the victory, but the blood and those corps are very bad to human sense, you are the hero and you said you are the king who take care of his nation, and these corps are also indeed were needed to yours. You are taking care of your nation life and safe and also the people who will tend to be killed at the war"
He said," I know, I know but that is my condition"
Andrea with his wide blue eyes and said to her friends," Let's go and try with the other king"
They could cross the ways as the swords, arrows and the lances could not touch them, but the view of war making them in horror and fear. So, they became very eager to stop this awful war.
They could finally reach and become near the second Muatlli. Charles could stop his horse and beauty Margaret became nearest the king's ear and said," Dear majesty!"
The king got troubled and made his horse in bad temper that made it in bad mode. It moved here and there in circle making its neigh in loud. The king's heart was filled with fears he saw four horses moving without any knight or rider. They all could stop again and Andrea said," Dear majesty!"
The king looked with horror and said, "Who are here? Who are yoou?"
They all said," We are the angels of mercy!"
We come to make the happy
We came to establish the beauty
Of life without war and angry"
The king said," Angels of mercy, beauty, angry! Then you are may the devils' prophets"
Charles said," No, we are the angels of mercy!"
The king said," Then, show me!"

Samy said, "The victory and the beating of Ramses II who is your basic enemy! These is awful Ramses II"
Margaret said, "You don't know completely, we are the angels of mercy to establish the peace, the calm and the safe"
The king said, "Good, gooood! So you can stop this awful war!"
They said, "What?!"
The king said at bad and loud voice, "What?!"
He completed, "When I ask you to do a wish you said that word as stupid guys, you are not the angels but you are the devils and criminals and if you don't go, I will burn that bad place with all guys and animals"
His horse neighed again. The king stroke its nick slightly and said, "Go now!"
Samy said, "We said what we could do!"
The king's face smiled as he got finally end of his big beat and said, "Then do it!"
Charles said" You know you are near to be beaten''
The king said," Me, no there are more turns. Who can say that? I am the hero and the victory is by my side"
They all said at one sound, "What about more bloods and injuring persons?"
The king said," But finally, I will get the victory"
Andrea said,'' And those who the death had kidnapped their souls. Who can return them?"
The king smiled in idiots.
Margaret said, "So call for peace!"
The king laughed in wondered, smiled and said, "Call for peace! So I must go in that battle and said, "Who saw the lost peace? Who saw him?"
Andrea said, "No, no dear majesty! You must tell the pharaoh to deal a peace agreement"
The king said at amazing, "And what are you doing?
Charles said, "You agree for the peace!"
The king said after silent and thinking, "Yes, but under one condition"
They said at one voice, "Your enemy asks for peace first!"
He said at astonishment, "What? How do you know?"
He continued, "I become trusting you as angels of mercy, so show me!"
They all gathered away of the king.
Samy said, "This is a big problem! How can we deal with this problem?
Margaret said, "Every king proud of himself and don't look to his soldiers, what do they suffer and face of weak? What are they feeling when they became nearest to death? All wanted to get the honor of victory."
Charles said, "All of them looked in ego and forgot the other human rights"
Andrea said, "Why don't we think in spite of taking at useless words? Making them at wise act?"
Margaret said," What? The wise men are best than us!"
Andrea said at nerves and loud voice, "Yes of course!"
Charles became nearer to her and said at nervous, "And our job isn't good? Isn't good?"
Samy said, "Hschhhhh! I've got an idea"
They all said, "Tell us"
He said," We will mock both of them!"
They said, "How?"
He said, "That is easy! So follow me!"
He told them.
Then, they went to the king again and said, "The pharaoh will do what you ask!"
The king said," Certainly! "He talked at low sound," How can the winner ask for peace that is mad and stupid think?"
He remembered his arrogance. He murmured,' 'As you said!"
He continued "If I am the winner
I still at fight, fight
Till I got the fighter
Yes, my name will bright
Every enemy will be escaper
My name will dig at sight
To be immortal forever"
Andrea said, "Dear majesty! Who do the winning?"
The king amazed at silent
Margaret said," the soldiers and the fate which was written before you…."
The king interrupted her and said, "I don't understand what you say!"
The king continued, "Go forward and do not backward"
Andrea said," The pharaoh will not do!"
The king became angry," Who said he is the winner, he must prove that!"
Andrea said, "I don't mean that you are the beaten!"
Charles said in hurry "The warrior goes in forward not backward until he made a mock plane!"
The king said with suddenly smile and loud voice as one got treasure suddenly, "Yes! What do you want to do?"
"And if the pharaoh goes aside or back or downs his sword and enters it in its pod. Is it a sign enough to stop or call for peace?" Samy committed.
The king said, "Hmmmm. It may be!"
Andrea said, "Please dear king, it is certainly!"
The king said, "I said "it may be! Who can stop again my opinion?"
Samy said, "No one, but we still have unseen power, we can send you at the deeper land now!"
The king said, "You "and laughed." you are little angels" he continued.
After he had finished his words, Samy took his sword and hardly carried it while the king tried to prevent him by his hand and Andrea bit him strongly at hurry. Charles pushed him, when the horse fell down as Samy stroke its back legs strongly with the back of sword. Margaret and Andrea with Samy left the sword up toward the face of the king.
to be continued