Monday, August 26, 2024

the kind dog 8


The kind dog 8



We all thought that the tale of that girl was false. We thought that she was so rich and proud that she could tell any liar. All opinions were gathering that she was lair. Our fathers and mothers had the same opinions. So they warned us not to deal with her or even get approach. One was flying away. Tamer who thought she did not tell the truth. One of our fathers "fathers of the boys and girl's friends of this avenue had agreed that she was a big liar except one "Samer".

He read in books of psychology. He applied it for every act for everyone. But there were also psychologies that their essential work deal with sick people for self and not for body’s ill, but the love of thing is more attractive than to do it without any soul. You look like the artist who imitates the great work without putting any add.

The fact is that our society did their work as they are  employers, not loving it except some.

He told our fathers that the girl told the truth. The whole truth. In fact our fathers swore him with bad causes. Most of societies did like that and they lied and objected anyone trying to have an opposite opinion. It is clear for predicts, prophets and good men who wanted to make the world very good and established peace everywhere.


We had a settle for war to discover the truth. Some of us had to watch out her home. Some would have remarked her. The other would watch the dog as our friend lamy told us he thought and heard that dog was absent at last times when the new steal accidents occurred.

The big mission was on three of us. We made a toss. They will observe the rich man and his men.

They waited out until the cars began to turn their motors and get in their back bags. They were off except one. The tale was that when mothers or fathers of any one asked for one, they would tell that they studied at each other’s home. If the fathers of the three boys discovered that they were not studying at anyone of them. Three of us would entreat one of them without showing their faces or talking to give the impression that they were studying in public places under lights of lamps streets as our fathers did in the past when they lived in poor villages. They got doctors, engineers, and a lot of important graduates.


The cars were off and suddenly they stopped smoothly. After they stopped, and the moving steps were not heard, the two boys got out and turned around. They took photos. Their walking took them away and they forgot the car which were heard their motors sounds and their wheels turning. They returned at fast, but the ships had lifted their anchors and moved away.

They were in puzzle, but one them calls his friend to move them. Their friend came with his father and they returned. The father of their friend knew he was a liar and they were also.

But he did not tell them as the time was late

On the morning, they saw the photos and the most opinion was that these photos do not get hungry or sing from hunger.

When the sun was downing, they were gathered. One of them said, "do you see that photos of our good dog?'

They shouted at him and swore him. He was still steady. He shouted at them to be calm. He said," Look at this photo!"

They took the phone and looked at. They made jocks at him and his photo. He said with anger, "stupid! Did not remember the steal case when a wild creature entered at the reception and the clerks and guards escaped!'

We all became silent. One of them asked, ' where is the artist?"

One of us loved pattern. He drew an imagination photo of that wild. He went to bring it. When we compared between them, we discovered the great relation between.

On the following day a woman came and she asked for the girl. When she learned she was alive, she thanked God and advised to take care of her. She told one of our mother she was the girls' neighbor.  She told with great fear that her parents were killed and she knew the killer. All people knew him, but they could not talk for his authority and his criminal acts.

They feared him. She was going after lifting her address.

So the tale of that proud girl approached to be true. We got silent and astonishment. Our fathers and mothers feared. They moved their fears to us.

Our lazy friend at playing came and told a new steal occurred. It was occurred at another govern and the steal was a big wealth.

We had to move. We moved to the place where the cars stopped. We knew it by the photos were taken. When two of us asked the guards men, they saw their red eyes and kidnapped them. We all feared, but we had to get our friends free. What would we do?

I suggested getting our friend," the kind dog"

The suggestion was refused at first. After I persuaded them. He was moved. When he was downed, the guards knew him, they fondled his head, while he moved his tail as satisfy. We did not need him calm but at anger. So one of our friends who leaded him make struggle with these guards. They punished our friend so strongly. We entered and the dog who loved us more and knew that we our truly friends, untied himself and did as superman and hurt the two guards. He flew at one and bit. He made a great injure at his arm and took the gun wide. He flew upon the other while he tried to escape. We tided them so strongly and they told us where the kidnapped boys were. We moved them into the big store under the building. We were amazed


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Sunday, August 25, 2024

the kind dog 7


`the kind dog 7   



The lifes circle must go on and we descended and played again. We lost our friend," the kind dog " so we were moving where he was being and playing with him. He was light and had good sprit. We played at wide garden. Football, hide and seek, searching for hide things, climbing trees and hills. We tried to decrease our noises as we did not want to get that ugly man attention to us.

One day we saw the rich man's daughter running towards us with horrible scene. We feared of her appearance.

The girls took her and got her rest. They changed her clothes and she washed.

After she got rest, she was asked, "why was she running?"

She cried a lot and her limbs trembled a lot. She got a cold water and left to sleep in a house of one  girls. It was wide as we feared that rich man knew and hurt our parents “all f us “we made that top secret.. The girls told us.

After some time the dog returned.

Out friend Ashraf came in speed with great hope and said, "our friend made an amazing show.  He moved on his back legs."

We were sad for that girl not as she was smart but she had bad deal.

Lamy asked him in astonishment, "who? "did you photo him?"

Ashraf laughed and said," Our kind dog! What a stupid! Everyone of natural person wanted to photo."

I laughed and said, "To launch it at social media''

One asked, "Why does this girl come and cry? Are you being threaten to help her?"

Another answered, "if you had seen her scene, you would have forgotten any scene!"

One said, "hush! We must hide and get homes as this awful man will come and asked for her!'

After times the girl returned after our fathers and mothers made great meeting with this man. They advised him to deal her as kind and with good deal. She is so polite that one can show and recognize that!"

They complimented him. The man showed his interest and his satisfy, but as my father said he had a big revolution inside him that was appeared at his red face and his sad and trembled voice. My father said," we usually got feared of his look and deepest eyes these wanted to steal our hearts"

The girl returned. But our girls' friends told us the secret that the girl tried to hide. This man was not her father. Her parents were killed in strange accident and the crime was not responsible to any person. The newspaper wrote about it. The investigations went so wide and all sides but as the criminal was so perfect that anyone could not discover him. This man was the neighbor of her parents. When he truly father approached to die. He commended him to take care of her.

In speed the investigation of her parents killing was stopped by the act of the worst person. The newspaper was not publishing any news about that. He adopted her and get all her wealth. Her parents were so rich and her relatives were famous and they were abroad. His father argued him at his final breath to call her relatives and get them hers and her wealth. He did as lazy as he wished they did not come. He changed her name and the place they settled. He moved a lot. The wealth he got made him as the strongest one. The people were deceived so easily. To wipe every relation between her past he killed her nanny. She remembered that the moment when she was killed.

She could not tell about it and forget it.

The girl cried. Yes, cried that you could see the clouds cried, and the sun was disappeared

She cried for that victim

The man can forget his time

But to get his wish can destroy any person


Do not object that one

Unless you know how to prevent move

And make him not to remove

His bad act as he must deserve

Not to be live


She cried and listened to her nanny at her last speech, "be safe and take attention of him. God may save you and he will do"

He tried to kill her. She got a pet. It was cat. Once he got her food, she feeds its pet which was gone at blink of eyes.

Second he advised her to get over the highest building as the scene there was so brilliant. When she was up, he tried to push her from his back; he was unfortunately struggled and went down. He could be killed as she hated the death, she screamed and he was saved. He accused her she wanted to kill him.

He tried to smash her by a heavy trunk. The good servant remarked that and did as the goal keeper in matches to prevent goal and got her saved. He dealt her with and awful deal.

Fathers did not believe that. They called her the cute liar as the cute spy, cute thief.

We made a meeting and lamy told her father who was out of the birds group. He went to an important officer at the security office and asked about her.

Our friend came with strange apparatus. He went to play with our friend the dog. He screamed and said , "oh! Yes!

We were astonished!


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Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Clever Dog and the Lions


Quite a long time ago, in a tremendous savannah, there carried on with a sharp canine named Max. Max was known for his insight and boldness. One radiant evening, while at the same time investigating the savannah, Max wound up in a precarious circumstance. He had meandered into the domain of a pride of lions.

Max's heart hustled as he saw the lions relaxing under a tree. He realized he needed to think rapidly to try not to turn into their next feast. Utilizing his sharp psyche, Max formulated an arrangement to securely misdirect the lions and getaway.

Max moved toward the lions warily, professing to be lost and frightened. The lions, inquisitive about the gatecrasher, watched him intently. Max put on his best show, whining and glancing around apprehensively.

"Who are you, and what are you doing an in our area?" snarled Leo, the head of the lions.

Max shuddered and answered, "Gracious strong lions, I'm simply an unassuming canine who has gotten lost. I have nothing but good intentions. Kindly, spare me."

Leo and different lions traded looks. They were not persuaded by Max's demonstration but rather chose to cooperate for the present.

"Great," said Leo. "You might remain for some time, yet you should demonstrate your value. On the off chance that you fizzle, you will end up being our supper."

Max gestured, concealing his alleviation. He realized he needed to concoct an arrangement to get away from before the lions adjusted their perspectives.

As the days passed, Max noticed the lions intently. He saw that they were exceptionally pleased and wanted to flaunt about their solidarity and hunting abilities. Max chose to utilize this for his potential benefit.

One night, as the lions accumulated for their daily gathering, Max moved toward them with an idea.

"Goodness extraordinary lions," Max started, "I have heard stories of your unimaginable strength and shrewd. I propose a test to demonstrate your predominance. Allow us to have a challenge of brains and strength. On the off chance that I win, you should let me go. Assuming you win, I will acknowledge my destiny."

The lions, captivated by the test, concurred. They were certain that no simple canine could outfox them.

The principal challenge was a trial of solidarity. Max proposed a back-and-forth utilizing a thick plant. The lions, anxious to flaunt their power, concurred. Max, in any case, had a stunt at his disposal. He attached one finish of the plant to a solid tree and claimed to pull energetically. The lions, thinking they were pulling against Max, pulled energetically. In any case, regardless of how hard they pulled, the plant wouldn't move.

"Noteworthy," said Leo, gasping. "You are more grounded than you look, canine."

Max smiled inside. His plan was working.The next challenge was a trial of brains. Max proposed a puzzle challenge. The lions, certain about their knowledge, concurred.

Max asked the primary conundrum, "I talk without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, however I wake up with the breeze. What am I?"

The lions considered for some time yet couldn't think of a response. Max uncovered the response, "A reverberation."

The lions were not set in stone to win. They asked Max a puzzle consequently, "I'm not alive, however I develop. I don't have lungs, yet I really want air. What am I?"

Max thought briefly and afterward replied, "Fire."

The lions were astounded by Max's knowledge. They understood that this canine was not to be undervalued.

The last test was a race. Max recommended a rush to the edge of the savannah and back. The lions, sure about their speed, concurred.

As the race started, Max ran as quick as possible. The lions, in any case, were a lot quicker and before long overwhelmed him. Be that as it may, Max had an arrangement. He pursued a faster route through a thick brush, realizing that the lions would experience difficulty exploring through it.

Max arrived at the end goal first, gasping yet triumphant. The lions showed up soon after, depleted and disappointed.

"You have won the difficulties, canine," said Leo, hesitantly. "You are allowed to go."

Max bowed deferentially and expressed gratitude toward the lions. He then, at that point, turned and ran as quick as possible, holding off on halting until he was far away from the lions' domain.

From that day on, Max was known as the shrewd canine who outmaneuvered the lions. He kept on investigating the savannah, continuously utilizing his knowledge and dauntlessness to remain safe.

Thus, Max lived cheerfully ever later, consistently prepared for his next experience.


YouTube Tags:

·         Clever Dog Story

·         Dog and Lions

·         Kids Story

·         Animal Adventure

·         Children’s Story

·         Bedtime Story

·         Storytelling

·         Kids Entertainment

·         Animal Tales

·         Smart Dog

the kind dog 6


The kind dog 6


I slept at my room so safely, with deep sleep.

After I got down we could untie the dog

One of my friends had an experience of untie the lock. He did and we amused with playing with him.

Our lazy friend came and had a paper of newspaper telling about the new steal.  It called it "the blind operation". It was said, a strange creature appeared in front of the guards of the company, he moved so slowly and hard at his legs and he had long arms. His face was strange as well as his shape. The guards got the guns and shot and shouted. They were all shot by drug shots. They slept. That wild creatures entered the reception and stood completely. He was so long. The reception men and women shouted and press the alarm apparatuses, but it does not mind caution of fate. The whole gang entered and stole all money and great jewels. The news said, "they were great army and others said, they were only six or seven."

They took money, apparatuses and jewels. Lamy said," they did not leave any evidence after them"

The minister of interior had released great orders. These were released to get out the steal and hold the thieves"

The new officer came at the police station and the other moved away. He investigated so clever, but he followed the same rules, our fathers were brought to the station while this important one was asked at his home.

He put a secret eyes everywhere. He could be told every strange movement.

The rich man dealt with his daughter so rude. We heard him struggled with her several times and after his shouting. We heard silent and no sound.

The guard of the dog told us she was crying so loud at her closed room. She lived in sad life in spite of her rich and her beauty.

We got all sad for her. But what could we do?

We got the unlock the dog and we played with him in absent of his guard.

We played a lot. Our sweats increased in spite of cold weather. The dog was so happy. He barked a lot and moved his tail for happy, the wind does not come as ships do not desire. The rich man saw him and us. He shouted at us and he struck him with his whip

We amazed, that huge dog was hurt and could not move his hands or escape. He shouted at us again. We escaped. The dog was hid. He was taken up.

After some days, we saw the girl running after we heard his father shouting. We all feared. She came to our friends,  sisters and  girls. We made a consultant sat. we got result some girls took her and hid. The man came at fast searching for her daughter. He threatened us telling," if we hid her, we would not see the paving"

We were not feared.

We were threatened," if we kidnapped or hurt her we would get great punishment."

We discovered he was not only rude but ugly in spite of his handsome. Our friend Samy  said, "I have told you the rich has many ways some of them are legal and other are illegal"

We did not argue him.

The man was so rude that we hated all like him. We all feared. The girl returned to her father after argument and persuading from mothers of the girls she lived with.

She went as she did not want the great problems.

The rich man moved to another street after two streets of us. We asked how could he get this money to buy the new flat as he still kept the flat at our street. After some days our amazement was decreased as he sold this old flat but he increased our astonishment after we knew he had a new one in the richest section.

We asked in amazement, do all richest people have like this and could buy anything?"

We hated ourselves, our streets and also our families. My father knew that. He told me long stories about honor and life. The money which was gotten from wrong way went so easily as the leaves flying on the air. I do not persuade with that, as I saw the fact was contrary with the story.