Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The day and night

The day consists of twenty
Twenty four hours only
Twelve for the night
Twelve for the day
The summer's day is the longer
The winter's day is the shorter
The longest day at juni
The shortest day is in January
The date is only twenty
Twenty one of juni
Is the longest day
Twenty one of January
Is the shortest day
What I gain to know that?
You know a great news
You knew if you use the rays
To get the hear and the powers
How to get great useful rays
The science is the best
The science converts the worst
To be useful and best

Sabah Akşam - Gece Gündüz Oluşumu Resimli - Gece Ve Gündüz Oluşumu Hakkında Bilgiler

The moons

The planets and the moon
You know we are nine
Sisters rotate around the sun
She friends and give us
The light, the calm and the path
We stayed around by powers
Between each one and the sun
We are the terrestrial planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
And the Jovian planets
Are Jupiter ,Saturn, Uranus
The Neptune is the last planet
The smallest is Mercury
Followed by null
Venus followed by null
Also and earth has one
Moon circled around her
Circled around his mother
The Mars has two moons
The Jupiter has sixteen
The Saturn has eighteen
The Uranus has fifteen
The Neptune has eight moons
And the Pluto has one
The most one has moon
Is the Saturn
And then
Is the Uranus
No it is the third
The second is the Jupiter
Then mars
The earth and the Pluto
Have only one
There are nine
Moons around the sun

the planets


My sisters
We are nine planets
Turn around our friend
Sun, in paths
There are several systems
Formed milkyway galaxy
The milkyway is the galaxy
Contains several systems
Every group of planets
Must circle around star
To get the needed light
By the attractive power
My sister are nine
The biggest is Jupiter
Then Saturn is the bigger
Uranus and Neptune
Are the third after
The forth is mars
The fifth is Earth
This contains life and science
It is the most fondness
The sixth is Venus
The seven is Mercury
We live in happy
We circle in our paths
Every one has her only path
We can't meet or cross
Or our end occurs


The solar system

We are nine sisters
Calling us planets
Mercury, Venus, earth
And Mars are the inner planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
And Neptune are the outer planets
Pluto is dwarf planet
Every one of us has its path
Around our friend sun
Which gives us the light
The heat and also the rays
When on of us
Take complete path
Around the sun it called a year
When she turned around herself
It called a day
The earth turned in a path
Around the sun
It called a year
And the four seasons appear
The winter and the spring are there
The summer and the autumn appear
To complete the seasons of the year
